Title Animation

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Title Animation 2017-06-13T15:10:50+00:00

Title Animation

Animations and visual effects can really make your video stand out. You’ll likely see that most of our videos include some form of title animation whether it’s moving words across the screen for visual impact or adding a client logo to encompass the brand. It’s entirely up to you as to what you want your titles to do and these can be used for many different purposes but the key three title animation options are logo animation, wording titles and animated info videos.


Logo Animation

Here is where we take your logo and make it animate however you want. Depending on your brand you may want this to be clean and corporate so we would look to have subtle animations in 2D space. Or perhaps you want something with big visual impact? Well in that case we can turn your logo into 3D and have it animate on the screen for the best effect with music and sound effects to truly give it a cinematic feel. These logo animations can then be self-contained videos which you use at the beginning of your own videos or which we will use at the start of videos we create for you.

General Wording Titles

Animated wording titles just give any text on screen a much nicer effect than having your standard ‘Arial’ font appearing with a black background. For example if you have a series of advice videos then you’ll likely need some words to pop up in between lesson and course videos. These can be as subtle or bold as you would like but we will always create a template title style with a set colour scheme, font type and theme design which then allows us to simply change the words each time but keep the theme style the same.

Animated Info Video

Perhaps you don’t want any filming in your video and you purely want a voiceover explaining your service whilst graphics appear to give visual impact. If that’s the case then you’d benefit from an graphic info video! Here we simply animate graphics and words in accordance with your script/voiceover to ensure whatever is being said in the audio is then being animated on-screen at the same time to really ensure the audience can see and hear all of the information being explained. It’s just a much more interesting method of telling your audience all your information as apposed to just having someone on screen talking to camera for a couple of minutes.


HD & 4K Filming
HD & 4K Filming
No matter how big or small the project, we will always shoot on professional broadcast-standard cameras and we now give you the option to film in 4K!
Video Editing
Video Editing
Editing is where we bring your video to life. People sometimes forget that without the editing, your video is just a group of clips with no structure.
Title Animation
Title Animation
Videos always look better when they have eye-catching titles added. We animate words and graphics to captivate your audience with visual effects.
Video Contracting
Video Contracting
If you have a continual requirement for video production then we offer a contracting service which reduces costs and guarantees regular videos.
Video Consultancy
Video Consultancy
Video is such a powerful marketing tool for any business so you can hire us on a consultancy basis to teach you how to create your very own videos.
Video Training
Video Training
If there are specific areas of video production you or your team would like to learn then we can hold training sessions to teach you everything you need to know.

Want to get in touch?

If you’ve got further questions or would like to get a quote then feel free to contact us!