Armageddon MyZone

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Armageddon MyZone 2016-12-17T13:07:00+00:00

Project Description

Created by fitness trainer Richard Callender, Armageddon features a 30-minute intensive workout and was soon to partner with the MyZone system so was in need of a promotional video.

Armageddon is a truly intensive workout routine which features a set of exercises to be completed within a 30-minute time frame. With the success of the workout now reaching high levels, it’s creator Richard Callender decided to put the workout to the test and wanted to get true statistical data analysis including how many calories were burned by participants, what heart rates were in the class and a host of other analytics which would measure the intensity faced by class participants.

Due to the new technology being incorporated, Armageddon required the test class to be filmed and made into a promotional video in order to add a new marketing angle using the newly found data. We filmed the class on multiple cameras to ensure nothing was missed during this intense 30-minute section and then created a cinematic-style trailer to truly exemplify the intense nature of the workout.